Melissa Rae Madison’s Dating Do-Over… With Dragons

Romantic regrets are the main theme over here at Doorflower. Melissa Rae Madison stops by with hers on tour for her book The Pursuit of Happiness.   There’s always that one moment in life that you look back on and think, “What if I’d handled that differently? What if I’d chosen the other path?” There are plenty of dating mishaps in my past …

DoorflowerMelissa Rae Madison’s Dating Do-Over… With Dragons

Dating Do-Overs: Tima Maria Lacoba Proves Exercise Can Be Hazardous to Your Love Life

In keeping with Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda’s theme of dating do-overs, Tima Maria Lacoba shares her biggest romantic regret as part of a Chicklit Plus Blog Tour promoting her new novel, Bloodpledge. Here…we…go…   Don’t we all wish we had the opportunity to go back in time to redress an iffy issue, take back a careless word, or like in the movie, Sliding Doors, reverse a …

DoorflowerDating Do-Overs: Tima Maria Lacoba Proves Exercise Can Be Hazardous to Your Love Life