Denise Moncrief’s Doorflower Dating Do-Over: To Bad Boy, or Not to Bad Boy…

The Doorflower Dating Do-Over series continues today with Denise Moncrief who’s on tour for her new book Crisis of Serenity with CLP Blog Tours.     Have you ever wondered what would have happened if you’d done something a different way? Turned left instead of right. Said “yes” instead of “no”. Sometimes we have big regrets and sometimes our regrets …

DoorflowerDenise Moncrief’s Doorflower Dating Do-Over: To Bad Boy, or Not to Bad Boy…

The Perks of Being a Doorflower Pin it To Win it Contest

Hey kids,   I can picture you all now: Taking in the fall. Beanie on head. A pumpkin spice latte in one hand, and in the other, a brand new copy of… gasp! (Yes, gasp!) You have nothing to read. We can solve this problem now.   Announcing “The Perks of Being a Doorflower ‘Pin it to Win It’ Contest,” where one lucky, randomly chosen, …

DoorflowerThe Perks of Being a Doorflower Pin it To Win it Contest