It’s Not a Dating Book, It’s a Book About Dating.

Before I was a writer, I was a public relations consultant. Thanks to television and novels, that probably invokes an image of notoriety-hungry, dinner-starved waifs who plan parties and hand out swag bags for a living – in really nice shoes.   That’s actually true. (Kidding. Mostly.) But outside of the straightforward “I have a product, you write about such …

DoorflowerIt’s Not a Dating Book, It’s a Book About Dating.

The Perks of Being a Doorflower Pin it To Win it Contest

Hey kids,   I can picture you all now: Taking in the fall. Beanie on head. A pumpkin spice latte in one hand, and in the other, a brand new copy of… gasp! (Yes, gasp!) You have nothing to read. We can solve this problem now.   Announcing “The Perks of Being a Doorflower ‘Pin it to Win It’ Contest,” where one lucky, randomly chosen, …

DoorflowerThe Perks of Being a Doorflower Pin it To Win it Contest