Michelle Lara Morgan’s Dating Do-Over Goes By Pretty Fast

In theme with Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda, we continue to explore romantic regrets with author Michelle Lara Morgan who is touring her book, Tripping Through with CLP Blog Tours. Welcome!         What’s a date I wish I could do over again?   I used to go to the gym five times a week and was asked out on …

DoorflowerMichelle Lara Morgan’s Dating Do-Over Goes By Pretty Fast

Michelle Lam’s Dating Do-Over

Time for another Dating Do Over installment, where authors share a moment in their romantic pasts they’d do again if given the chance. This week, it’s Michelle Lam, on CLP Blog Tour to promote her new novel of The Accidental Prophetess.      I was a rather naïve young adult. Actually I was a lot naïve. I wasn’t very good at reading …

DoorflowerMichelle Lam’s Dating Do-Over

Dating Do-Over Series: If Hilary Grossman Could Turn Back Time…

If you’ve read my interactive romantic comedy, Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda, you know dating “do-overs” are the name of the game. With that in mind, we’ve got a new series where authors share moments they’d go back and change if given the chance. To start, we’re thrilled to have Hilary Grossman, author of Dangled Carat – a memoir about (finally) turning Mr. Commitmentphobe into Mr. Right.     If I could go …

DoorflowerDating Do-Over Series: If Hilary Grossman Could Turn Back Time…